Christmas Décor that can stay up all winter…

About a month ago I was so inspired by the examples of fall décor that easily transitioned into winter, that I thought I would try to create some dual performances again!  I am never ready to take down all the Christmas decorations right away.  The holidays for me linger…until another one comes along!  Here are a few decoration you might get up for Christmas that can stay around all winter!

Paper Snowflakes

Paper snowflakes

As seen previously in one of my first posts about hosting a Girl’s Snow Day, I cut out paper snow flakes to transition my ivy garland into January.

step two

I loved this idea because as a child I can remember cutting out snowflakes and other lacey adornments for homemade valentines day cards in winter.

Create a Faux Indoor Ice Rink

indoor ice pond with mirror

Grab a mirror, some figurine from that Christmas village you might be taking down and create your own winter scene.

indoor ice pond with mirror2

I love this idea because mirrors are an easy and inexpensive way to set the scene for one of my favorite winter activities:  ice skating!

Birch Bark Messages

birch bark message (2)

While walking in the woods the other week, the harsh winds had blown this perfect piece of birch bark free from a tree.  My mom decided it needed a saying on it and so we went with the one trending this year on everything from t-shirts to pillow cases-

birch bark message

I love it because birch bark looks good all year long.  Add a hint of moss and glitter when the trees start to blossom and it will be an equally charming spring decoration!

And there you have three very simple winter decorations that you can enjoy a little longer!

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