Happy Birthday to Me- My Most Memorable Cakes!
Tomorrow is Friday the thirteenth and my birthday! But in the spirit of Throwback Thursday I thought I would reminisce on the best birthday cakes of my childhood and a few from recent years! I always thought I had the BEST cakes and looking back at some of these old pictures I certainly think I did! All my favorite childhood icons are here- care bears, rainbow brite, strawberry shortcake! But I also thought I would inlcude some of the cakes from some of my most memorable occasions!
Let’s kick off the countdown!
#1: How lucky was I to have this three-dimensional pink cat cake for my first birthday?!?
I really don’t have any recollection of this day since I was only one, but I am sure it was fabulous! The 7-layered salad and fruit trifle on either side of the cake tell me so!
#2: Strawberry Shortcake!
My dad actually worked at a bakery when I was growing up and I have to believe he requested this cake from there. You can tell this was a skilled cake decorator, even the shape of the cake is custom.
#3: Care Bears!
Gotta have the shot of the kid blowing out the candles…
or sticking her fingers in the frosting…
#4: Rainbow Brite!
You may have noticed I had the Rainbow Brite bangs in the previous picture. Or the rainbows my mom had hanging from the chandelier in the very first picture.
I loved rainbows and of course LOVED Rainbow Brite! How vibrant and cool is this cake! A dream cake come true!
#5: My little pony!
This pastel creation was all kinds of pink girly birthday wishes!
Unicorns, Rainbows and My Little Pony! Oh to be a little girl in the mid-80’s again. Wasn’t it the best!?!
#6: Every girl should have a cake with a barbie doll inside…
This is the last cake of my youth on the countdown and it gets credited with a great barbie themed party that my mom made extra special with a barbie wedding and runway for a doll fashion show.
#7: The time I turned one again…

This cake made the countdown for its memorability. This was the first birthday I had in “our house”. The house Nick and I have been fixing up all these years. It was a mess back then, but that never kept us from enjoying a good party with friends and family.
All my girlfriends from Shade Today were there, including Anna (bottom left) who is recently engaged and I am helping her with her wedding! There will be lots of fun details here on the blog about that starting next month!
#8: Nick’s first cake for me.
This was a favorite birthday & cake because it really was the first one Nick completely planned and got for me.

In this picture I am thinking- “what a nice cake, I’m so glad it doesn’t have a monkey on it.” (Inside joke)
And I believe Nick is saying- “Oh, just wait! I will get you that monkey cake…someday, you will have a monkey cake!”
#9: The Meringue Mushroom Cake!
This is not technically a birthday cake, this was a cake at our wedding shower that my bestest friend Angie made butterflies and meringue mushrooms for! It had to go on the countdown! It was one of my favorites!
#10: The Sister Cake
In all our years of having birthdays a mere two weeks apart (5 year age difference, but Andrea’s birthday is May 31st and I’m June 13th) this was the first time we shared a cake!
Remember when I said you gottta have a “blowing out the candles” pic? Yeah, I’m pretty sure there are no candles in this cake and I am just pretending for this picture…
And finally…
#11: Last up is the cake I blew the candles out on just last year! The Birch Bark Cake made especially for me from Magnolias Cakery.
Cakery owner Heidi Hoewisch of Hortonville made this cake look like a log with peeling birch bark frosting. Amazing!
What’s not to love!?!

And there you have it! 11 Reasons Why I love Birthday Cakes! Can you blame me? I’ve had some good ones! How about you? Do you have a most memorable cake creation?
Just a few follow-up thoughts about this post:
- Nick did eventually get me that darn monkey cake! If I ever find a picture of it, I’ll share it with you all!
- If you were trying to follow along with my age by counting the candles on the cakes, that pretty much went out the window after age six! Since then my mom uses more of a how many candles do we have? policy.
- You are never too old to have a cake, make everyone sing Happy Birthday to you or pretend blow out your 1-7 candles!
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