August Favorite Photo

She’s the Same Here

(A Poem for the end of Summer)

There’s a place beneath the tangling vines and through the tall cutting grass

A place reachable only by climbing over a fallen tree and navigating the willow brush

A place that only exists if you have been there before…

..been there before you were aged and jaded, time worn and weather conscience

Wiser and humbled

Before you knew that growing up is hard to do, because you hadn’t had to do it yet.

It’s a place that I seek out from time to time

When I am looking for a moment of reflection before the day slips away-

Before the summer slips away…

When I am craving home and sweet memories and I know that root beer creek will take me there

To another realm

The one where my every youthful whim was entertained

Where the trees were a storybook village and the creek bed an anthropologist dig site

Where the water was a reflection of an endless string of days

Where there was no worries, no fears, no someday promises

It was beautiful in every season and never disappointed.

It’s a place that provides me the key to take it all back-

This time I thought was past,

This version of me I thought was changed.

I find her time and time again

And she’s the same-


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