Sunday Night Supper: The Holiday Hutch
I haven’t added much to the Sunday Night Supper series recently, although every Sunday is still full of family time, walks to the woods, and great dinners. Looking back I have just been deep in the moments and I haven’t taken the time to document, which is good sometimes- to just BE.
So today I am going to share a little something I have been photographing every season around my mother’s home. Her version of a little holiday village, which is made up mostly of a stone cabin and a log house that is actually the base of a lamp. It’s just a glimpse into what possibilities lay within a little imagination and resourcefulness! The two things that were always the premise behind sharing this series!
Remember that little mirrors can become ice ponds, clumps of moss can become little lawns and deer can become curious visitors. Take a walk to find materials, use what you have laying around and borrow a few ornaments from the tree. Have fun with a non traditional Christmas village and discover the fun of decorating it all year!
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