Small Business Summer Series: Enchanting Shop in Ripon
I am such a fan of supporting small business. I love to travel to quaint main streets and shop in towns that still have beautiful brick and mortar buildings filled with unique finds. The need to see, touch and have all of my senses involved in this process was never more forefront for me than the first not essential outing I took after many businesses shuttered for Covid in 2020.

Walking into Patina Vie in Ripon, WI was everything my shopping soul needed after going cold turkey. I have since been back and can tell you their expansion is magical! The specialty wines and spirits they now offer in their tasting room set against a backdrop of floor to ceiling shelving, beautiful glass bottles in every color and European art will transport you somewhere far from this little WI College town. Definitely check it out IRL- the following pictures are from my first experience there!
Here’s what I loved-

The textures!
This is what online shopping cannot do for you. This picture should make you want to step right into this room. Between the brick wall, the velvet bedding, those iron chairs with the weathered white paint…seeing is believing! The attention to detail and eye the owner has to curate these pieces together is what impressed me most.
The historic building-

This old building is oozing with charm. From the hardwood floors, brick walls, wide trims and adorable curved window area that follows the corner of the street, the decision to put up striped awnings and use time worn framing shows a dedication to creating a special shopping experience that makes you a believer that every pieces could be of historic significance.
The touches of color that sparkle like jewels-
There is no doubt the displays rest heavily on rustic and patina finishes. Brick, wood and wicker all give warmth and texture, but hiding among the matte finishes and scuffed metals are the little jewels of color found in glass bottles, an orchid or lemon tree topiary and this fantastic stain glass piece.
The round windows like portholes-
Besides the aforementioned sparkle of color, the actual sparkle of crystals on chandeliers or this string of patio lights mixed with a garland are only illuminated more by the great natural light coming in from the large corner windows and these adorable round windows.
The variety of wares make for a truly enjoyable experience. This isn’t your typical knickknack shop full of mugs and to-go cups with clever sayings. It feels very expensive and very European. Candles, glassware, baskets, books, bedding, rugs and lamps mix with antiques including furniture and one of a kind accessories.
Ripon has many other great stops on their main street- so don’t hesitate to make a day of shopping and enjoying lunch in this great WI town!
I am rooting for Patine Vie to stay in this amazing old building and keep growing so I can return to shop here every time my senses need a jolt of beauty and sophistication.
Patina Vie- even more stunning in person!
I hope you enjoyed this little shopping tour! My goal is to introduce a small business every month that has either inspired me or has a fantastic story to share. There is growth all around us and I hope the momentum to turn old buildings into fantastic destination shops never stops! Let me know if you have a small business to share!
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